Monthly Archives: September 2012

Do You Twist-Gate?

Fall is the perfect time to twist-gate. The weather is not too hot or too cold. It’s Chicago’s equivalent of Goldie Locks’ just right.

So now comes our confession. When fall strikes us, we have more than just pretzels on the mind…we can’t get enough of all that FOOTBALL too! We’ve already shared with you some great tips to tailgating. But the real way to celebrate is with “twist-gating” of course!

As Kim & Scott’s fans, you have probably heard this term before, but we want to get it trending! Sustenance is key when you are watching football so you need to bulk up! Why not throw one of our delicious gourmet stuffed pretzels, with a warm ooey-gooey center, on the grill to go along with your favorite beverage? Perhaps a Cheddar Jalapeno or a Pizza Pretzel?

So next time you start up the grill for one of your favorite teams, we highly recommend twisting up your regular tailgating routine with one of delicious gourmet pretzels. It’s a healthier choice with a variety flavors perfect for everyone and every team!

Wordless Wednesday: Twists and Cheese

Photo Courtesy of Cupcakes and Quinoa

National Food Allergy Awareness Month Round Three: Dairy

It’s National Food Awareness Allergy Month. If you have a food allergy, you know how to manage it. However, your friends and extended family may not be aware of all of the things that surround a food allergy and what can trigger a reaction.

At Kim & Scott’s Gourmet Pretzels, we are allergy aware and twist our pretzels in a nut-free bakery. For this special month, we want to make you aware of the major food allergies affecting our friends and family. Today, our focus moves to dairy allergies.

A dairy allergy should not be confused with lactose intolerance. According to The Food Allergy Gourmet, this allergy occurs when your immune system interprets proteins in dairy products as a harmful substance. Your body then produces antibodies to fight off the substance.

Reactions include rash, redness and swelling around the mouth, hives, asthma, stomachache, cramping, diarrhea or vomiting.

Dairy products can be found in food products, but also in non-food products, such as cosmetics, shampoos and some pharmaceutical drugs. Be sure the read labels to remain safe. As with a gluten allergy, it is important to make sure you are aware of cross-contaimination when dining out.

Do you have a dairy allergy? How does it affect your life?

From the Kim and Scott’s Vault: Twisted Kitchen

It is because of all of our Twisted Fans that there are so many flavors of pretzels available across the country. Here’s a flashback to 2008; a fun video of Kim and Scott twisting with love.

Have a Chocolate-Filled Sunday!

Chocolate Crumb Stuffed Pretzel

September 23 is National Chocolate Day! I’m sure that none of us need an excuse to consume more chocolate in our lives, but if you are looking to justify having an extra chocolate crumb pretzels, we won’t tell anyone. 🙂

While you are snacking, here are some facts about chocolate from

  • Chocolate syrup was used to represent blood in the famous 45 second shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, “Psycho” a scene which took 7 days to shoot. ~
  • Once upon a time, money did grow on trees. Cocoa beans were used as currency by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations over 1400 years ago. When they had too much money to spend, they brewed the excess into hot chocolate drinks.
  • The Swiss consume more chocolate per capita than any other nation on earth. That’s 22 pounds each compared to 11 pounds per person in the United States.
  • Rumor has it that Napoleon carried chocolate with him on all his military campaigns for a quick energy snack.
  • The word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word “xocolatl”, which means “bitter water”.
  • Seven billion pounds of chocolate and candy are manufactured each year in the United States.
  • Chocolate is America’s favorite flavor. A recent survey revealed that 52 percent of U.S. adults said they like chocolate best. The second favorite flavor was a tie (at 12 percent each) between berry flavors and vanilla.
  • Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40 percent of the world’s almonds and 20 percent of the world’s peanuts.
  • Seventy-one percent of American chocolate eaters prefer milk chocolate.
  • The Midwest and the Northeast consume more candy per region than the South, Southwest, West or Mid-Atlantic states.
  • The melting point of cocoa butter is just below the human body temperature — which is why it literally melts in your mouth.
  • Older children are significantly more likely to prefer chocolate than younger children (59 percent of 9-11 year-olds prefer chocolate vs. 46 percent of 6-8 year-olds), according to a recent survey.
  • Denmark has the highest per capita consumption of candy in the world at 29.5 pounds.
  • Americans over 18 years of age consume 65 percent of the candy that’s produced each year.
  • According to a recent survey conducted by NCA/CMA, candy is the No. 1 choice among children for afternoon snacking.
  • Younger children are more likely than older children to prefer hard candies.
  • About 65 percent of American candy brands have been around for more than 50 years.